Advantages of Smart Wall Paint

It´s economical

Smart wall paint is 20 % cheaper than Flipcharts and 30 % than magnetic Boards and Whiteboards, and
Pricesaver isn`t the only word

It can be used everywhere

Smart Wall Paint can be used in the office, Conference room, Kitchen or actually everywhere in the building. It is ideal for chilren and students in schools and also for your household.
Your imagination has no limits

It´s flexible

Smart Wall Paint can be used on every smooth surface. You can not only apply it on Walls, but also on tables, doors or chairs.
No competitive product can do so!

It´s ecological

With the use of Smart Wall Paint you help the environment. Smart Wall Paint meets the strictest emission limits of the European Union. There are no limits
With Smart Wall Paint is the Paper waste limited and therefore our forests preserved

It´s reliable

CSmart Wall Paint represents the best quality on the market. After the proper application of the coating does not change the color nor the shape.
Even so you will get the Smart Wallpaint with a guarantee of 10 years

Quality guarantee

We give a guartantee of 10 years, specifically for a change of shade or creating stains, when using the recommended and approved accessories.

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